Area of Interest

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Which Country Do You Live In? Sanctuary, or Safe Zone?

Published on 07/14/10 By Scott W. Winchell,

SUA National Editor-in-Chief

Sanctuaries make us all less safe! How ironic!Sanctuary is a term for cities, counties, or states that are defying a federal law relative to the various government agencies being required to assist the federal government with their illegal immigrants. In 1996 a federal law was passed called the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIR) that requires local governments to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Contrary to this law, many of these governments are officially or unofficially defying the law and have passed various local policies to ignore the federal law and not question the status of suspected illegal immigrants. Those in defiance of the law prefer to call them undocumented workers and help protect the illegal immigrants from being deported.

IIRIA 1996 – On September 30, 1996, President Clinton signed the Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (“IIRIRA 96”). The new law represents the completion of a legislative process which began shortly after the Republican Party assumed majority party status in the House and Senate after the 1994 mid-term elections.

Okay, so we now know the law. (Does not matter apparently to some) So, what part of the law do these sanctuary cities and states not understand:

...requires local governments to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Also then, why is the current administration, through the DOJ, not enforcing the laws, and why are they suing Arizona? Because it does not fit their individual liberal policies so they just ignore it. Then when a state decides to enforce it and cooperate with the DHS through ICE, why are they being pilloried and embargoed? Laws are made to keep honest people honest as the old saying goes. It must be nice to only obey the laws they like. Congresses pass laws, and they get to pick and choose which ones they like and dislike. That is diametrically opposed to our foundations as a society based on representative republicanism.

Up is down, black is white, in is out…etc. Why are the law breakers the “good guys” and the law abiding citizens are the “bad guys?” Aren’t we a “rule-of-law” nation? The Obama administration, instead of enforcing the laws, seeks to battle a sovereign state. Then he blames Congress for not “fixing” or creating “comprehensive reform” of the immigration laws. Because they do not like the law, and are finding excuses to ignore it, blaming others, and patronizing us with lofty speeches.

The number of arrests made by Border Patrol agents is one of the few reliable measurements of the rising influx. That number dropped right after 9/11, but it has since been climbing. In fact, the cost of protecting the nation’s borders has increased 58 percent since 9/11, but in three of the four years since the attacks, the number of people nabbed by the Border Patrol still increased. In the fiscal year that ended in September, the Border Patrol reported 1.19 million arrests, compared with 932,000 in fiscal year 2003. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that the number of illegal immigrants in the United States has grown from 8.4 million in 2000 to 15 million today.

The political ferment over ‘illegals’ has never been greater. 78 percent of Americans think and know that the government is not doing enough to control our borders talk shows bristle with demands for action. Additionally, Global jihad and jihadis are a major threat as they eye the southern border as a path of least resistance to strike inside the United States. Announced last week was a specific intelligent report of Iran proxy, Hezbollah, is now setting up bases of operation in Mexico near the border and are now crossing our Southern Border.

So which country do you live in?

The one that ignores laws, follows all the politically correct rhetoric? Or the one that defends the State of Arizona? Of course we know that the sanctuaries are largely the major population centers, even in Arizona, but there are huge areas where you are safer, or are you? There is a map you can look at that interactively shows you which areas are sanctuaries for the illegals, and by omission where you are safer?

We have to remember one great fact: once they have entered the USA illegally, they can go anywhere. Is your backyard safe? Are your children safe? Did your neighbor get his head chopped off by a drug cartel hitman? Are islamo-facists planning your demise in your own community? The question is actually moot, because we are all unsafe when these sanctuaryists rule, where the “rule-of-law” does not matter anymore.

Now that Arizona has acted, the illegals are fleeing to a location likely near you.

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